Our CPSC laboratory testing

A little bit about testing...

We believe in transparency. We started our company to help keep kids away from the harmful chemicals in plastic - and give parent's peace of mind.

We've always posted our laboratory testing publicly - and believe that every company SHOULD. 

The legal requirements for selling a Child's product:

- Testing must be done at least 1x per year

- Testing may only be done in a CPSC accredited laboratory

- Testing must adhere to all legal & state requirements, in order to sell in that state.

 - The use of the XRF machine on the item itself is not legally approved by the CPSC, nor any international testing agency. The XRF cannot distinguish between the small amounts of paint on the item and what is BEHIND the XRF itself. Any surface coating must be scraped off, then digested with a chemical solution, and only then may an XRF gun be used to test the material. 


 Silicone lunchbox - CPSC Laboratory testing