Natural compounds that remediate the toxicity caused by BPA, and other endocrine disruptors:
A recent study showing that probiotic strains reduce microplastic toxicity
How to detox PFAS:
Does your coffee maker have toxic chemicals like lead and brominated flame retardants? Well if it's made out of black plastic... it just might! Here's why you should avoid black plastic at all costs.... and how to easily do it (without ditching your entire coffee maker).
Let's lead the way in creating a plastic free world - here are some great resources to read and share regarding the toxic impacts of plastic on human health.
You need to get a water filter
I’m going to give you the best water filter recommendations for every budget!
So good news: recent studies have shown that our municipal Water treatment filtration is pretty good at removing micro plastics -
But the bad news: it’s terrible at removing PFAS - and it ...
There’s lots of PFAS in your toilet paper - not only because you’re wiping that on sensitive parts of your body - but because the PFAS that get flushed down the toilet…. End up in your food.