You need to get a water filter
I’m going to give you the best water filter recommendations for every budget!
So good news: recent studies have shown that our municipal Water treatment filtration is pretty good at removing micro plastics -
But the bad news: it’s terrible at removing PFAS - and it probably will be for a while, due to the billions of dollars annually needed to get to safe levels.
PFAS are the toxic forever chemicals that build up in your body and can stay there for years -
And they’re in ALL OF OUR WATER, and currently levels in our RAINWATER also exceed what the EPA says is safe
They’re linked to multiple types of cancer (including brain cancer), obesity, heart disease, ulcerative colitis and lots of other terrible things.
But what’s great is that there are lots of options out there - no matter your budget or household size…
Pitcher Filters:
Here are the smallest & most budget friendly water pitchers that will remove PFAS:
If you have a Brita water filter system, it won’t remove PFAS - however, you don’t have to buy a whole new unit - just get a CYCLOPURE replacement filter, it’s only $45 and you pop that in your Brita system, and it WILL REMOVE all the PFAS
Countertop Units
For Countertop units, here are 3 that are super effective: Next, if you need something larger, you can go with a Countertop unit -
- The Lifestraw countertop unit is only $65 and has been shown to be really effective at removing PFAS - it’s a bit slow, so just remember to keep topping it off
- the AquaSana Clean Machine is a great option, it’s around $200 and Is really fast at filtering.
Other good options are the AquaTru countertop Unit and the Travel Berkey (NOT THE BIG BERKEY)
Undersink Water filters
My ultimate recommendation would be go to with an under sink filter - it can seem intimidating to install, but honestly, they’re not - I’ve had a few, and I’ve done them all by myself.
- The Waterdrop single filter, is a great starter undersink filter. It's less than $100 and easy to install!
- Aquasana also has a 1 stage filter for only $120
The Aquasana 2 stage was the top pick from Wirecutter is only $125
But the best one that will filter the most volume for the longest time - is any 3 Stage reverse osmosis filter.
Many studies have shown them to be by far the most effective at removing PFAS
My absolute favorite is the AquaSana 3 stage under sink - make sure to get the mineral boost, to add back in all the good stuff that your body needs that are taken out by its’ highly effective 3 stage filter….
But remember, it won’t make much of a difference how clean your water is - if you’re drinking it out of plastic.
Make sure that you avoid drinking out of plastic - I love Kleen Kanteen for grownups - and of course, Tabor Place glass cups for kids!