Officially there is no way to detox PFAS except for donating blood...
but considering that PFAS are in the blood of every American (and probably every human being in the world soon enough)... there must be other ways out there to detox them.
There's been a lot of research on the topic of PFAS - and just because something isn't "official" yet (and who even knows what determines that) doesn't mean that there aren't promising remediation techniques out there, that are being studied.
There have actually been a number of associations and mechanisms that have been found that to lower PFAS in your body.
I always follow the science, and I don't quote ANYTHING on my channel on Tiktok, nor on any social media, that isn't backed by a scientific study...
There have been many "detoxes" which have been written about on blogs, but haven't been studied in a formal laboratory setting.
So I won't be covering those in this article...
Here are the detox techniques that have been studied in a formal laboratory setting, and have shown promise:
1. PROBIOTICS - There have been a few studies that have shown that certain Lactobacillus strains will help bind to PFAS and detox them from your body.
"Xing et al. (2016) conducted an in vitro study aiming to decipher the potential of 25 Lactobacillus strains to bind PFOA, as well as, to assess the impact of pH and bile salts to their binding capacities. Among all investigated bacteria, Lactobacillus plantarum CCFM738 was singled with the highest binding capacity (49.41%) at 6h. Moreover, the exposure of bacterial cells to low pH significantly increased the PFOA binding"
I highly recommend trying to get as many different probiotic strains from your diet as possible - drinking kefir water, eating brined olives, pickles from the cold aisle, miso and raw cheese.
However, if you're interested in taking a probiotic supplement -make sure you get one that has proven efficacy and clinical data behind it - the supplement industry is pretty unregulated...
Here are a few that I recommend - for adults & kids
2. DIETARY FIBER - Diets high in multiple types of dietary fiber were shown to lower PFAS in the body.
"For all three PFAS examined, higher intake of dietary fiber was associated with lower PFAS concentrations in serum. Although the associations were of modest size (less than 10% decrease in PFAS with IQR increase in dietary fiber), they may be important in the context of outcome-PFAS associations that themselves are of modest size, for which unmeasured confounding may have an important influence on the results."
What was important, is that there was a mixture of different kinds of organic dietary fiber - fiber from fruits, vegetables, grains and beans.
Here we show, in a short-term lifestyle-based clinical intervention focused on lowering risk factors for cardiovascular disease, that circulating PFAS can decrease in parallel with the lowering of cholesterol levels.
What is a cholesterol lowering lifestyle?
- "From a dietary standpoint, the best way to lower your cholesterol is reduce your intake of saturated fat and trans fat. The American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fat to less than 6% of daily calories and minimizing the amount of trans fat you eat.
- Reducing these fats means limiting your intake of red meat and dairy products made with whole milk. Choose skim milk, low-fat or fat-free dairy products instead. It also means limiting fried food and cooking with healthy oils, such as vegetable oil.
- A heart-healthy diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish, nuts and nontropical vegetable oils, while limiting red and processed meats, sodium and sugar-sweetened foods and beverages.
- Physical activity is important. At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a week is enough to lower both cholesterol and high blood pressure.
- Quitting Smoking"
5. Cholestyramine reduces PFAS levels
Cholestyramine is a prescription medication that is given to people to help lower their cholesterol levels.
"PFAS also enter the intestine as a component of bile; where they can be reabsorbed and returned to the liver through enterohepatic circulation, in a repeating cycle of biliary excretion and reabsorption (Jandacek and Tso, 2007; Lau et al., 2007). Cholestyramine, a bile acid sequestrant resin historically used in the treatment of lipid disorders, increases the excretion of cholesterol in the form of bile acids rather than allowing for enterohepatic circulation."
6. Fish Oil / Omega-3 fatty acid supplements - This is an interesting one.
PFAS have contaminated our water supply extensively - so much so that fish is one of the most significant sources of PFAS in our diet.
When scientists studied people taking fish oil supplements, they expected those people to have higher levels of PFAS... but in fact, it was the opposite.
"While fish oil users did not experience increased serum PFAS, there was an unexpected inverse association in some population subgroups."
What's interesting as well, is that high levels of Omega-3's are routinely prescribed to people with high cholesterol levels, in order to help reduce their cholesterol. More research is needed in order to understand the mechanisms behind this... but the results are promising.
7. Donating blood - the only "official" way - A 52-week randomized clinical trial among 285 Australian firefighters showed that 6-week serial plasma donations led to small but significantly reduced serum PFOS and PFHxS compared to controls, while 12-week serial blood donations decreased PFOS only
Things that haven't been studied but show to have the same mechanisms for reducing PFAS from your body...
* Psyllium / Metamucil -
Metamucil and cellulose increase bile salt excretion slightly but significantly; the effect of cholestyramine is several times as great. However, Metamucil and cellulose resemble frequently ingested food components which may be important determinants of “spontaneous” variations in bile salt turnover.
* Zeolite - Zeolite is currently being tested to remediate PFAS in wastewater and other sources... so it may be possible to have it help us detox us it from our bodies as well.
* Red Yeast Rice - Red yeast rice extract is a traditional Chinese cholesterol-lowering agent.
Red yeast rice extract contains monacolins, like monacolin K. This substance inhibits the same enzymes that statins target, the hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase. It may, therefore, have the same effect as the statin medication lovastatin (Mevacor).
Red yeast rice extract products do not go through the same regulatory evaluations as prescription medications - so it's important that if you're interested in trying a new supplement, make sure it has clinical data proving its' efficacy.
I found this one at Whole Foods - but make sure to discuss with your doctor before taking anything new.
@taborplace Replying to @rose1d1alpha PFAS and cholesterol are linked - people with high cholesterol accumulate PFAS more, and those with high amounts of PFAS have high amounts of cholesterol. ❤️❤️❤️PROBIOTICS are the Magic pill you've been looking for--> @Tabor Place #pfas #toxicchemicals #toxicforeverchemicals #foreverchemicals #knowledgeispower #howtodetoxyourbody #pfasdetox #cholesterollowering #lowercholesterolnaturally ♬ original sound - Tabor Place