All Plastic is toxic - the Tabor Place blog


Are there PFAS in your Toilet Paper !?!?

Are there PFAS in your Toilet Paper !?!?

There’s lots of PFAS in your toilet paper - not only because you’re wiping that on sensitive parts of your body - but because the PFAS that get flushed down the toilet…. End up in your food.
Unlocking the Truth About PFAS: Why Testing is Crucial for Our Health and Future Generations

Unlocking the Truth About PFAS: Why Testing is Crucial for Our Health and Future Generations

PFAS: The Lead of our Generation

In a groundbreaking initiative to shed light on the alarming presence of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in our everyday products, Tabor Place, led by founder Beatrice Gomberg, has embarked on a mission to raise awareness about the perils of PFAS exposure, and has teamed up with to spread awareness on the urgent need for testing.

Click here for our pfas guides

Check out our resources on PFAS