The internet perpetuates misinformation regularly - and many times, this misinformation can live forever on the internet - causing confusion and sowing doubt in the minds of consumers... when there should be none.
Now a few notes about the testing itself - and how the Blogger intentionally mislead her readers:
- The blogger did this "test" using an ILLEGAL method. The use of the XRF machine on the item itself is not legally approved by the CPSC, nor any international testing agency for lead testing in surface paints alone because the XRF cannot distinguish between the small amounts of paint and what is BEHIND the XRF itself.
- The test was done in an unsterile environment - it was done on a bedspread & old pillow - not in a sterile laboratory.
- The person doing the test didn't wash their hands, nor did they use gloves.
- The person doing the test didn't calibrate their machine on camera - which, even when used legally, must be done in every case - if not, it can provide very high false positives.
- The person didn't test anything surrounding what they were testing - to provide a "baseline" or rule out cross-contamination as a reason for a positive result. The person didn't test the bed the test was done on, the pillow, the box, the bubble wrap - nothing else.
- The home that this lead test was done in - was actually CONTAMINATED WITH LEAD - the person who did the test wrote extensively about how her home was old and had lead, and she even SUED a contractor that apparently removed lead paint inappropriately.
- She mentions that here and here and here .
I responded to this blogger on Instagram - calling her out for her use of an illegal method as well as for performing this test in an unsterile environment. She then deleted all of those messages.
Ultimately, the saddest part about this entire ordeal is that I share the same mission with this person. It's an incredibly important mission - one that isn't taken seriously enough by both our government and many manufacturers.
We have a BIG LEAD PROBLEM in this country - it continues to contaminate our soil, old homes and many drinking water supplies.
We both want children to be safe from toxic contaminants in products - but it should be done with truth & transparency.
So the red paint has no lead in it? If tested properly with a 3M swab it would be negative?